ATP Cleaning Verification
ATP testing measures the cleanliness of a surface by detecting adenosine triphosphate (ATP), an energy molecule, and determining if bacteria and other pathogens can grow on it. ATP testing is based on bioluminescence, which is the process by which living organisms produce light.
Here are some benefits of ATP testing:
Accuracy: ATP testing is more accurate than visual inspection because it eliminates human error.
Efficiency: ATP testing is simple and can provide results in about 30 seconds.
Quality control: ATP testing can help ensure that cleaning standards are maintained.
Cross-contamination prevention: ATP testing can help prevent cross-contamination in food and beverage facilities.
Brand protection: ATP testing can help protect a brand's reputation by ensuring product integrity.
To perform an ATP test, a swab is used to collect a sample from the surface being tested. The sample is then introduced to a liquid that contains an enzyme that reacts with any ATP on the swab, producing light. A lower result indicates that bacteria and pathogens are less likely to survive on the surface.